Friday, October 15, 2010

Reflection: Reading

Catch-22 was the first book i attempted to begin my eleventh grade reading career with; failure. This caused me to, basically, give up on reading for a while. Once this passed, more than halfway through the quarter, I, Robot was the next attempt; success. Though it took longer than it should have, I finished the book and comprehended the content. Brave New World, assigned by the mediator, was embarked upon in a different manner: reading was accomplished in irregular, far-between intervals, though when reading was done, several chapters were behind the left hand. Life: The Movie was read daily. Being in bed by 2300 hours is demanded of me; after reading, 0100 is a more prominent bed-time.

"Inking your thinking," though thought tedious and, somewhat, unnecessary, the benefits have been realized. The friendship I sustained with the dictionary has recently been renewed. I think that my "inking" my thougts has broadened my mind, but the thougts translated into text on paper may not be able to be comprehended by others of a name not mine.

If only I knew how to more precisely render my thoughts tangibly, it would be done. How to go about doing this though, as said, is unknown. Trial-and-error/experience seems to be the only way.

I used to favor fiction that allowed for the derived evaluation of human nature and the components of life (I, Robot); now, with the discovery of Life: The Movie, more philosophical texts that actually reveal components of human nature and of life are desired. The cataloging and genres of nonfiction, however, are unknown to me; perusing of libraries will now take much longer to find that which interest me.

1 comment:

  1. It's perfectly okay to abandon books like you did with Catch-22. The key is not to allow ourselves to neglect picking up another. I have several more nonfiction books you might enjoy. Ask me about them in class, and I'll point you to them.

    Learning to make our thoughts "tangible" does simply take practice. By studying the moves other writers make and practicing, we can all learn to write. With power!

    Keep at the reading and thinking and inking. It will pay!
