Monday, October 11, 2010

Annotated Bibliography for Brave New World

Miller, Stuart. "". Missouri (State University). "The Standard." 2003.

In Brave New World, the collective government, namely The Controller, Mustapha Mond, directly decided what was able to be accepted by the public without stirring any (substantial) feelings or thoughts (at all). In this article, California is pasted onto the dartboard of scrutiny and is not allowed to fall off until the several spears of Miller's criticisms penetrate/reveal. "The whole politically correct, ultra-sensitivity movement continues to escalate," the whole "justified" censorship, over-protective elements of today's media, by the government (the whole point of the censorship being to protect the public from what we do not wish to hear), is not inching, maybe "mile-ing" us towards a newer, braver realm.

Dunn, Douglas. "". Douglas Dunn/World Wizards. 1998, 2001.

Directly referring to Brave New World in his article, Dunn, without hesitation, allows his rambling arguments to spill forth, with no actual evidence to support his claim that "In their hearts, human beings know that it is not so terrible to have a genetic double," hoping to disprove the world Huxley envisioned. Stating that in-vitro fertilization underwent the same skepticism from the public as cloning is now, apparently hoping for the conversion of people from "Cloning is morally wrong," to "It is but progress."


"Conditioning," in the context of Brave New World carries an evil connotation. This article reveals that conditioning is nothing to be feared or avoided at all; it is actually what enables us to learn (touch a hot stove, recoil; conditioning); strengthening the belief that the ones who crafted the world After Ford were in all reality evil, despite whatever the intentions were. The architects of this "improved" world utilized conditioning to teach the children/sprouts what they "needed" to be taught, rather than allowing natural conditioning to run its course, allowing the man-plants to be in control of their own destinies; the choices made in life yield exposure to different elements of life, different knowledge applicable to life, different paths through life. The latter is the way in which the world runs now-for now-is the best way for people to live.

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