Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yeah, Sheee, Yeah!

Paranoia runs in my family. I'm always devising plans in my head of what other people are doing, the motives that drive them to do something, etc. My parents are always questioning me about every little thing and attempt to be slick about making me incriminate myself in whatever I'm supposed to have done.

They are not slick, no offense meant. I realize what they are doing when they are doing it, but I usually just submit. Way easier, conflict is avoided, less stuff to deal with. Plus, I only have two more years of it to deal with (constantly, that is) so I can take it.

I say "deal with" and "take it." Maybe not the right words. I love both of my parents and am thankful for the role they play in my life. I am also quick to anger, though (like my dad). The fact that I know they think they are slick rubs me the wrong way sometimes and the constant hints they are dropping that I am "in trouble" just sets me off.

Back to the point, if I am suspected of doing something as slight as dropping a sock on the way to the laundry room, I get confronted by Dad with a false cheerful shout of "Uhh..Son? Heh, you dropped a sock, ya know!" His shouting puts me in an ill mood, so I go to pick it up. Apparently, I'm "storming" and he wants to know what's wrong. "Nothin', just get tired of you always yelling unnecesarilly." This continues and expands for quite some time.

A grade of 80 on anything causes my parents to question my sobriety and ethics. I am glad that my parents are strict because of what that means in the future (virtuous, better character, better job) but right now, I sometimes feel it is impossible to deal with the fecal matter they always drop on me(possible explanation: standard teenage mentality).

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