Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Power of I and I

Being quiet and reserved most of the time, I am hardly ever subject to opportunities that would require me to "take a stand," though I do remember a time when third grade Braden did so.

"Time to put your books away, kids. Class time," the substitute spouted. This was wrong. We were given 30 minutes every morning to read before we even recited the pledge of allegiance. It was early in the morning, so I figured she may have skimmed over that part in the lesson plan.

"Uh... Miss? The teacher lets us read for a while first. Is she not going to let us today?"

"Uh... Kid? Your teacher is not here and she left a lot for us to do today. So put your book up and pay attention."

A little unnecessary, but I wasn't going to argue further on that subject. The substitute conducted class in the worst way, the other kids in class agreed. A few of them also tried to let her know that her age was not an excuse for mishaps. She would not have it. None of us had recess that day. I would not have been fazed over this, being an indoor kid, but it was the way she denied us, with so much unjust authority, that angered me.

Sitting in my desk at five past noon felt weird. The other classes kids' squeals did not help any. She told us to get out our books and read, as punishment. That was it.

Substitute had cut short our reading earlier in the day, even when it was evident we wanted to and were allowed to (which should have been evident, but apparently was not). This went against our regular teacher. Substitute stole our recess. This went against the school. Substituting recess for reading as punishment was so wrong I started laughing out loud.

"What's so funny?"

I would type the conversation but third grade logic isn't the most comprehensible thing, and I do not remember everything. My argument made complete sense to myself and my fellows but, again, she wouldn't have it. Within three hours of freedom, she sent me to the warden's office. I explained myself to the principal and for whatever reason, she agreed with me.

I have not seen that substitute to this day. I would feel bad about snitching... but I don't. She deserved it and I still find it funny.

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