Monday, November 16, 2009

Preventing Starvation Among The Lazy/Ignorant

I of all people know how important the title of this blog is. I did not learn how to make a sandwhich until I reached middle school! I am not proud of this but to prevent other kids succumbing to this tragedy, I have taken it upon myself to spread this knowledge.

Wasting away to nothing because of inability to move or an unknowing of knowledge is pathetic. I actually may be the only one who has exhibited this but on the off-chance that I am not, this blog was spawned.

  1. Collect the ingredients (bread, ham, cheese, lettuce, mayo, mustard, etc.)
  2. Lay out the bread and begin piling the ingredients atop each other (the order in which this is done is not vital but will affect what is tasted more)
  3. Put the bread together to make the actual sandwhich
  4. Ingest
  5. Digest
  6. Relax

I hope this will not amount to a futile effort. This is meant to save lives. The sad thing is I am not blowing this out of proportion... Or am I?... No.... Maybe.... You decide.